corn snakes eggs incubating and hatching.

How Long Is A Corn Snake Pregnant For?

My own corn snakes have laid many batches (clutches) of eggs over the years, so I can confirm with personal experience that the following generally accept average answer seems to be true, though there are factors than stretch the timelines a bit on either end.

How long is a corn snake pregnant for on average? A healthy corn snake will be pregnant for between 4 and 8 weeks. This is the gestational period that runs from the time of mating, to the time of laying eggs. Your corn snake will begin to lay eggs 1 or 2 weeks after a preparational shedding.

Obviously, this is just an average length of time. Unlike humans, where after 9 months or so, the baby is ready to come out whether you are ready or not, it’s interesting to note that external environmental factors can affect the timing of the “birthing” process.

This question gives me a perfect opportunity to discuss many factors involving corn snake pregnancy and birthing in general.

Let’s begin!

How Do You Know If A Corn Snake Is Pregnant?

Some common signs of a pregnant corn snake are:

  • Uninterested in Mating.
  • Lack of Interest in Eating.
  • In the Later Stages, You May Even See Individual Eggs Through the Skin in the Body.
  • 1 to 2 Weeks Before Laying Eggs, She Will Shed

When Do Corn Snakes Mate?

Corn Snakes Mate and Lay Eggs in the Spring Time. Typically around April. Corn Snakes seem to be very “in tune” with the seasons, and they seem to behave like clockwork when breeding is concerned.

Is It Different In Captivity?

While there may be some ways to manipulate a corn snakes environment to essentially “trick” them or put them off of the seasonal cycles, it can be very hard to do so, and I’m not sure why you would want to.

It is quite amazing how hardwired they are to the seasonal cycles, even if they are in captivity. Corn Snakes do not tend to mate or breed in general year round. They stick to a schedule of mating in spring, or sometimes in cooler months, for a batch (aka a “clutch) of eggs to arrive around June.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but this is quite common, especially with my own corn snakes.

In Summary

In general, corn snakes are not pregnant for very long. The time from mating to laying eggs is only 2 or 3 months. They tend to stick to a general seasonal pattern of breeding around the spring time.

Related Questions

What is a Batch of Corn Snake Eggs Called?

A batch, or group of corn snake eggs is called a clutch. This is also the same for other reptiles and birds.

How Many Eggs Can A Corn Snake Lay at One Time?

The average Corn Snake will lay approximately 12 eggs at one time (per clutch), but it is possible to get egg quantities as high as the 30s.